Patient Access
Manage your health care online anytime.
Now there’s an easy way to access, maintain and share your health information online. NoMoreClipboard from Indiana Internal Medicine Consultants (IIMC) is a secure, online repository for your personal medical records. Use it as a follow-up to your IIMC visits and to help manage the details of your health care over time. With NoMoreClipboard, you can:
- Enter, update or print a summary of your health information
- See your lab test results
- Review lists of medications, allergies, surgeries, vitals history and immunizations
- Track and graph health measures
- Request medication refills
- Make an appointment
- Send your health record to any physician in the United States
- Add records from other physicians and hospitals
- Grant access to a family member
- Create a family account for yourself, your spouse and dependents
- Synchronize your health data with Microsoft Health Vault

To create a NoMoreClipboard Personal Health Record please follow the steps below:
- Visit
- Create a new account by entering a username, secure password, and email address, then review and accept the Terms and Conditions and click “Create Account”
- Enter your Member Activation code if you received one from your health care provider
- Complete the Primary Account Set-Up form
- Click “Next” to proceed to your personal health record

If you have any questions regarding your NoMoreClipboard account please call us toll free at 877-643-3463 or email